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Our works

Mir Industriel continuously performs maintenance interventions on all types of equipment at the plants of its different clients: Boilers, Furnaces, Towers, Exchangers, Aerials, Deposits, Lines, Pumps, ... Development and execution of projects and facilities in different sectors: petrochemicals, industry and food.

Corrective maintenance

It is one aimed at repairing a failure that occurs at a certain time. It is the primitive model of maintenance, or its version, in , it is the equipment that determines the stops. Its main objective is to get the equipment up and running as soon as possible and at the lowest cost that the situation allows.

Preventive Maintenance

It consists of avoiding the occurrence of failures in the muines or the process equipment. This maintenance is based on a 'plan', which contains a program of activities previously established in order to anticipate anomalies.

Predictive Maintenance

It is a modality that is at a higher level than the two previous ones, it supposes a considerable investment in technology that allows to know the state of operation of muines and equipment in operation, through non-destructive measurements. The tools used for this purpose are sophisticated, which is why they are considered for high-cost machinery, or that are part of a vital process.
